In this new series, GOBEL will be highlighting recent transformational generosity seen around the globe. In today’s post, $10M+ gifts from North America and the Caribbean are highlighted.
North America & Caribbean
University Of Toronto Receives $250M CAD To Advance Human Health, Health Care – September 2020
A $250M CAD gift will support discovery, collaboration, innovation, equity and student well-being across the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine and its affiliated hospital network, advancing its leadership in human health and health care. The gift from the Temerty Foundation, established by James and Louise Temerty, will support advances in machine learning in medicine; biomedical research and collaboration across Toronto’s health-science network; innovation, commercialization and entrepreneurship; equity and accessibility in medical education; and the creation of a new state-of-the-art Faculty of Medicine building for education and research.
Building on a prior gift of $130M CAD to establish the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research. This second $90M CAD investment will support further discovery research. In addition to enabling discovery research, this investment will help more patients with heart failure avoid hospitalization, understand the genetic basis of their disease and receive unique, personalized approaches to heart health. This second investment by the Rogers Foundation will capitalize on the achievements of the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research’s first eight years and ensure its work can continue in perpetuity.
The University Of Toronto Celebrates $75M CAD Gift From Orlando Corporation – September 2022
A $75M CAD donation from Orlando Corporation aims to strengthen the ability of the Eastern GTA to provide world-class care for the community and train future health-care professionals. With the gift, the Orlando Corporation is investing $50M CAD in Scarborough Health Network’s Birchmount Hospital, mental health needs and other urgent priorities, and $25M CAD in the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Academy of Medicine and Integrated Health. This gift will advance the health needs of the region’s nearly 1.3 million residents.
Orlando Corporation Makes $75M CAD Gift To Trillium Health Partners – March 2023
Trillium Health Partners and Trillium Health Partners Foundation announced a $75M CAD donation from the Orlando Corporation. The gift provides matching funds for a total fundraising goal of $150M CAD. The donation supports the capital needs of The Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital ($50M CAD), the construction and equipment for a two-floor mental health inpatient unit within the new hospital ($10M CAD), and support for Trillium Health Partner’s Institute for Better Health ($15M CAD).
The John and Myrna Daniels Foundation donated a lead gift of $52M CAD to establish the Myrna Daniels Seniors Emergency Medicine Centre at University Health Network. The gift will build Canada’s first purpose-built seniors emergency medicine centre, with full Level 1 Geriatric Emergency Department Accreditation as approved by the American College of Emergency Physicians. Every element, from the lighting to the non-slip floors, will be designed to address the unique, most complex needs of older adults. A comprehensive research and education program, combined with the dedicated space, all specialized in geriatric emergency medicine, will make this the first centre of its kind globally.
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation Receives $50M CAD Donation – April 2022
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation received a $50M CAD donation in memory of the late Allan Slaight. The gift creates a research fund with donations from La Foundation Emmanuelle Gattuso, Mr. Slaight’s widow, and The Slaight Family Foundation. The Allan Slaight Breakthrough Fund will support discovery research at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and is undesignated beyond supporting cancer research.
Falmouth General Hospital Gets $45M CAD Medical Equipment Donation – June 2023
Falmouth General Hospital received a $45M CAD laparoscopy machine from the Jamaica Awareness Association of California. The machine allows the hospital to provide non-invasive operations, allowing for quicker and more advanced, life-saving operations, including gynecological care.
Greg And Diane Slaight Donate $60M CAD to Niagara Health Foundation – July 2023
Niagara Health Foundation announces a gift from Greg and Diane Slaight that will truly transform the care that patients receive at Niagara Health. This contribution will be directed towards critical patient care equipment and priority needs across Niagara Health, the Walker Family Cancer Centre, and the South Niagara hospital project. $45M CAD of the gift will address priority patient care needs and the advancement and treatment of health needs at Niagara Health for Niagara’s 485,000 residents. $10M CAD from the gift will support the Walker Family Cancer Centre, which will ensure that patients can receive cancer diagnosis and treatment close to home. Finally, $5M CAD of the gift will support building the new South Niagara Hospital. In recognition of the support for the South Niagara Hospital, the Diagnostic Imaging Unit will be known as the “Slaight Family Diagnostic Imaging Unit.”
Calgary’s New Cancer Centre To Be Named After Arthur Child Following $50M CAD Donation – June 2023
Calgary’s newly built cancer centre has received a $50M CAD donation from the Arthur J.E. Child Foundation. The donation means the $1.4B USD building is now named the Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre. The facility, which is scheduled to open in 2024, is next to the Foothills Medical Centre and near the University of Calgary in the city’s northwest.
Anonymous Donor Gives $33.8M CAD To MS Research In British Columbia – December 2022
An unnamed, British Columbia-based philanthropist has donated $33.8M CAD to advance research for multiple sclerosis (MS) in B.C. The University of British Columbia says it’s the largest known donation for MS research and care worldwide and will help fill the gaps in B.C. when it comes to increasing capacity and working on new therapies. It will also provide patients in the province with opportunities to join clinical trials that may have otherwise been hard to come by. The donation will also go toward recruiting world-leading scientists to develop cell and gene therapies.
Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation Receives $30M CAD Donation From Jim Pattison – November 2022
The Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation announced a donation of $30M CAD from Jim Pattison. The donation supports the second phase of Royal Columbian Hospital’s redevelopment project, focused on the acute care town, to be named the Jim Pattison Acute Care Tower. The new Acute Care Tower will include an interventional super floor featuring operating rooms and suites for interventional radiology and cardiology, a new Emergency Department with its own imaging unit, and new larger maternity, pediatric, and neonatal intensive care units, as well as multiple floors for acute and critical care patients. With almost double the current footprint, the redevelopment will increase the capacity of Royal Columbian by approximately 50% to 675 beds.
McGill University Receives $15.3M CAD Donation For Brain Research – November 2022
The Ludmer Family Foundation donated $15.3M CAD to McGill University to establish the Ludmer Centre Single-Cell Genomics Brain Initiative with a mission to increase our understanding of the role that individual brain cells play at the molecular, anatomical, and structural levels. The donation will primarily be used to fund nine new scientific research positions with the aim of advancing brain research by investigating the brain one cell at a time, a process that will require large-scale cell technologies and data processing.
Grand River Hospital Receives $15M CAD – May 2023
The Grand River Hospital Foundation received $15M CAD from the estate of Ralph and Dorothy Kraft. The hospital will utilize the gift to improve patient experience, staff wellness, and innovation.
A new institute at St. Francis Xavier University targeted at promoting healthy populations in rural Nova Scotia received a $15M CAD gift from Dr. Victor and Mona Dahdaleh, through the Victor Dahdaleh Foundation. The gift will be used to help create the Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Hall, which will house the Victor and Mona Dahdaleh Institute for Innovation in Health, an incubator for health research on the St. Francis Xavier University campus expected to be transformational for the region and beyond. The Institute for Innovation in Health will look at ways to improve health promotion and mental health and wellness in rural communities, including chronic disease prevention and management, rehabilitation, and aging in place. It will also be headquarters to the National Collaborating Centre for the Determinants of Health at St. Francis Xavier University, one of six national Public Health Agency of Canada Centres of Excellence.
University Of Calgary Receives Legacy Gift For Hotchkiss Brain Institute – June 2023
T. Boone Pickens left $12.5M CAD in his estate to the University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute. The gift will be used to recruit and train emerging neuroscience research leaders and invest in the commercialization of discoveries in neurosciences, all with the goal of improving brain and mental health for millions of people around the world. The HBI is part of the Cumming School of Medicine. The largest portion of Pickens’ legacy gift, $9.25M CAD, will launch a new endowed fund to support recruitment and education of trainees and early career investigators in order to promote leading-edge neuroscience research.
The Ottawa Hospital Foundation Receives $10M CAD Donation – June 2022
The Taggart Parkes Foundation donated $10M CAD to support the Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s Campaign to Create Tomorrow campaign.
William Osler Health System and William Osler Health System Foundation announced a $10M CAD donation from BVD Group. As Osler continues to grow to meet the increasing demands in one of the most diverse communities in Canada, funds will go towards the local hospital system’s greatest equipment and redevelopment needs, and help strengthen health care in Brampton and Etobicoke for years to come. As part of the transformation of health care in Brampton and Etobicoke, Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness (Peel Memorial) will become Brampton’s second hospital. The new Peel Memorial will include a new multi-story patient tower with 250 inpatient beds and space to grow, new and enhanced outpatient services and day programs, and the expansion of the existing Urgent Care Centre to 24/7 operations later this year—setting the stage for a second full Emergency Department in Brampton. The proposed expanded cancer care services at Brampton Civic Hospital will address the growing need for cancer care in the community and will bring radiation treatment closer to home for patients and families in Brampton and the surrounding region. Ongoing redevelopment at Etobicoke General Hospital will further enhance the state-of-the-art services the hospital offers, to ensure Osler can continue to meet the evolving health care needs of the community.
Sinai Health Receives $10M CAD Donation From Dani Reiss – March 2023
Sinai Health received a $10M CAD donation from Dani Reiss. The donation creates the Dani Reiss Innovation Fund for Healthy Ageing Research. The fund will enable innovative studies and discovery research aimed at improving our understanding of the ageing process and ageing-related diseases. Additionally, it will facilitate training of the next generation of ageing-focused researchers, provide cutting-edge equipment for research, and generate new scientific knowledge related to aging.
Did we miss one? Email us at research@gobelgroup.com!