Dear colleagues and friends,
Last week I sent a message about the personal impact the devastation in Ukraine has had on my family, especially Anna – my wife, and two of our employees – all of whom were born in Ukraine.
The outpouring of love and support we received in response to that message has been overwhelming for all of us.
Thank you for keeping the people of Ukraine in your prayers.
Many of you asked how you could help, and honestly, I didn’t know how to respond. There are so many worthwhile groups doing good work and they all need our help.
While I don’t want to discourage you from giving to any of those important groups, I wanted to ask if you would read this message and consider supporting our efforts.
In the last few days, Anna’s hometown of Mykolaiv has been surrounded by Russian troops and bombed more than 300 times, destroying apartment buildings, schools, parks and government buildings. People trying to escape have been killed by the Russian army.
By a miracle from God, Anna’s family has survived. We were able to get her father and younger sister to a safe location, but her grandmother, other sister and brother-in-law have remained in the city.
We watch the news, hear the stories, see the videos, but this situation is nothing short of unimaginable.
Sadly, the hardest hit are the most vulnerable – the elderly, disabled and children.
These individuals can’t get groceries or medical supplies on their own. Most buildings have turned off elevators for safety reasons, so it’s nearly impossible for some to go up and down the stairs. Family members and other help these individuals relied on before are no longer available. Even pension payments have been delayed.
Yet, despite the terror, despite the hardship, and in between the bombing, people are still finding a way to help each other.
Anna’s sister, with her husband and their friends who remained in Mykolaiv, have been doing their part by buying and delivering food and medicine to those in need. Anna and I have been sending money every few days to cover the cost of these purchases.
Here are some pictures of their efforts.

The efforts of her sister, brother-in-law and friends got the attention of their governor, Vitaliy Kim. He reached out the other day to personally thank them for their efforts.
He also shared the city had 48 trucks filled with food and medicine, but these trucks are stuck 500 miles away in Lviv, Ukraine. The problem is the city has no money to pay for the gas to get the food and medicine to their town.
It’s going to take about $5,000 to bring each truck with the food and medicine to Mykolaiv.
I’ve had so many emotions during these two weeks. Fear and love. Hope and despair. Inspiration and discouragement.
I see my wife everyday struggling to get through the day. I talk to my family in Ukraine and hear the fear in their voice as they hide in bunkers. And I ask, what can I do to help.
I’ve decided I can help bring these trucks to Mykolaiv. I can help feed and get medicine to the elderly, the disabled, the children. Anna and I have committed $25,000 to help. This is our way to fight back.
I’ve never asked my friends to support a cause like this, but I am asking you now.
I started texting friends the other day, and through their generosity, we’ve raised over $50,000. With our collective support, we can now send 15 trucks filled with food and medicine to the brave souls in Mykolaiv.
Can you help me get food and medicine to Mykolaiv? Would your hospital or organization sponsor a truck for $5,000? Can you help personally? Any amount of support will make a difference.
If you want to help, you can click “Support Now” below. We have set up multiple options. Whatever amount you can contribute is important and meaningful. Please feel free to download the PDF and share with others.
Support Now
We are in touch with Governor Kim’s office every day. They will send us receipts and pictures to show you how every dollar is spent.
Thank you again for your continued thoughts and prayers. God help us help the people of Mykolaiv and Ukraine.
– Chad Gobel, Founder & CEO